Thursday, 26 October 2017

Review: The Dark Tower

The Dark Tower The Dark Tower by Stephen King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Re-read 10/17:

Well folks, I now mourn the loss of Roland's journey to The Dark Tower for the third time.

This series in no way diminishes over time or with multiple reads. Everything is so real and vibrant, and there's so much detail that you're bound to remember different things through each read. I'd forgotten so much of this one that there was still a lot of anticipation for things to come. Almost the entire first half of the book had been relegated, in my mind, to the previous book. (view spoiler)

We begin immediately where Song of Susannah left off, and jump straight into action. There is so much diversity in storytelling throughout this mammoth book that it's almost a whole series on its own. We jump around all over the place and, knowing this is the final chapter, suddenly all bets are off. It adds a whole new thrill.

Okay. Here we go. (view spoiler)

That being said, the period of travel towards the end, (view spoiler) does get a little dull at times. I mean, some seriously freaky sh*t goes down thanks to Mordred (view spoiler)but then it's back to more trekking and details about snow and stuff. Ehhhhhh just get to the damn tower already please!

Honestly this is just such a complex story and woven with so many different threads - to me it is easily King's best work. This is quite simply a tour de force and easily one of the best series I've ever read in my life.

Now about that ending.

(view spoiler)

Such an incredible highlight of my lifetime of reading, and King at his most impressive. A worthy conclusion to one of the most epic series ever written.

Original (delayed) review:

This was an epic conclusion to possibly the best series I've ever read. I loved every second. King so cleverly weaves everything together, and it certainly makes me want to read his entire collection of work before re-reading, so that I can pick up every single reference. The characters and their adventures had me on the edge of my seat, and this final chapter is a worthy conclusion. Even at its mammoth size I was hooked the entire time. Brilliant. And that ending! (view spoiler)

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