Sunday, 17 December 2017

Review: Shadowcaster

Shadowcaster Shadowcaster by Cinda Williams Chima
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This was a pretty disappointing continuation of the series, considering I pretty much devoured everything that came before. I was hanging out for a continuation of the first book's adventures but instead it's all about Adrian's sister, Lyss, who has to be one of the most boring characters of the series. There's a ton of boring war talk and lots of marching, and most of the time I didn't really get what was happening. Probably didn't help that I'd mostly forgotten the first book, so there were a bunch of references I knew I was supposed to get but didn't.

The blurb builds up the inevitable relationship between Lyss and Hal, a commander on the opposite side. But aside from a random skirmish early on, we see very little of Hal until well over halfway through the novel. It made the relationship between them pretty hard to swallow, and it felt incredibly false and rushed to me. Then you've got Breon, a completely random addition who at least injects a little character into the story, but even he doesn't do anything particularly exciting.

Then, when you're finally getting used to the fact that this story is separate from the first, (view spoiler)

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