Monday, 10 December 2018

Review: The Dazzling Heights

The Dazzling Heights The Dazzling Heights by Katharine McGee
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

If you've read my bio, this series is the perfect example of lovable trash.

RICH KID DRAMA. It's so freaking cliche but I love it! It's my guilty pleasure because it's so bad it's good. That being said, I probably enjoyed the first book more. Way more drama.

WARNING: This review contains spoilers for The Thousandth Floor, my review for which can be read here.

Book 2 begins with the same kind of dramatic opening we had with the first book, but here it just felt like there was no heart in it; like it was included for the gimmick. Was only slightly curious this time. Maybe it was just not as exciting as someone falling a thousand floors, I don't know. *shrugs*

All the characters we love to hate are reeling from the death of Eris, who they were all pretty sh*tty to in the last book. DON'T ACT LIKE YOU WERE A GOOD FRIEND, YO. I must say, though - I also missed Eris. She was such a fun, edgy character. She was kind of a terrible person so much fun drama. Her girlfriend was a nightmare though so thank god she's barely in this one. Eris gets plenty of mentions, but it's just not the same.

Then we've got new girl, Calliope, whose name sounds made up and actually is. Her and her mum are here to cause DRAMA so excuse me while I get some popcorn. I fully support their nefarious deeds. Much fun. This is the spoilt rich drama I came for. Plus, Callie has set her sights on Atlas, and I'm much more inclined to ship that relationship than Atlas and his sister.

I am still not cool with the sibling romance, FYI.

Atlas may have been adopted, but they were raised together. They grew up together as siblings, they live in the same house, they have the same parents, and they introduce one another as BROTHER AND SISTER. But they are also torn apart by the fact that they are deeply in love but no one will allow their relationship? GUYS. YOU'RE RELATED. OF COURSE THAT SH*T IS MESSED UP.

As much as I love Avery causing drama with her raging jealousy - such a contrast to her good-girl personality - it was not enough to make me okay with this. I cringe. I make disgusted faces. This relationship IS NOT COOL.

So excuse me if I don't shed a tear for Avery and Atlas and their tragically doomed relationship. I'm so done with these two.

I have all the time in the world for Leda, though. I didn't like her in the first book because she was such a psycho, but I really enjoyed her in this book because she was such a psycho XD She is the star of all the best drama so she makes things a lot of fun. So moody, so nasty, so savage. What a queen. Plus she knows everyone's secrets so she's the real star of the show.

Rylin was one of my favourite characters in the last book (even though she was an idiot) so I was a little disappointed that she didn't have as big a part. Her drama is so minimal and dull and I honestly just wanted her and Cord to get back together because he is the perfect man <3 But no, minimal partying for Good Girl Rylin. *sigh* She needs a Sandy-at-the-end-of-Grease transformation. Cord deserves some hot action. He's taken everything on the chin like a champ.

Then we've got our geek-who-is-not-a-geek-just-super-smart-with-computers Watt. Definitely still too chill to be a proper nerd. I loved the nastiness between him and Leda, though. That was good times. I want him to get involved with more people, though; branch out a bit into the friendship circle. His MIT drama was too cliche and boring.

It was nice to see that these kids to actually go to school occasionally, even if there still wasn't enough school drama for my liking. I love the parties that lead to drunken mistakes, but there could easily have been more. I mean, I love this series for how ridiculous the drama gets, and this book was pretty tame compared to the last one. I needed more scandal and regret.

Honestly, I can't relate to any of these characters so it's kinda fun to just sit back and watch their lives fall apart. Sadly, they all mostly kept themselves together in this one.

I'm really hoping for some top notch scandals in the next book, and much more drama. I want more random hookups and terrible choices and mistakes and dirty little secrets. I'm not here to mess around.

Average drama, but still highly addictive trash. No way am I walking away from this guilty little pleasure of a series.

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