Sunday, 27 January 2019

Review: The Secret Runners of New York

The Secret Runners of New York The Secret Runners of New York by Matthew Reilly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the perfect novel to introduce YA fans into the action-packed world(s) of Matthew Reilly.

It's not a traditionally YA novel, nor is it the fast-paced, explosive thriller that most of Reilly's work is. It blends the two to create something totally unique and for that it's going to attract a wide variety of readers.

Naturally, this is my JAM.

✓Love action.
✓Love YA.
✓Love MR.
✓Love rich kid drama.

This was always going to be a win for me.

It's so strange to read Rich Kid Drama written by the pen of my favourite action author, but the man is talented. His meticulous researching has apparently strayed into the world of rich New York snobs so it's all quite believable and delightfully dramatic. Did I mention that I love Rich Kid Drama? The name calling, the social hierarchy, the minions, the lure and battle-worthy attraction of the opposite sex. The level of pettiness is such addictive trash to me. I am so far removed from that world that it's all delicious fiction - legit would not know what to do if confronted with actual real life scenarios like those that present themselves in Rich Kid Drama stories.

So we have the classic Rich Kid Drama but it's been experimented on by the action-loving, death-dealing MR, who introduces his love of ancient civilisations and crazy theories in the form of time travel. Naturally, he destroys a city to give us plenty to gawk at, not to mention mess with those spoilt rich kids a little. The promo pics are on point.

I loved this from the get-go, even though it wasn't what I was expecting. It was The Tournament all over again, with an intro that had me wondering where all the military personnel were. No soldiers? No guns? No helicopters? No explosions?? But once you get used to the vastly different setting, it's quite clearly a MR novel. There's still plenty going on, and plenty to keep the mind turning. Time travel always does my head in but the way it was presented here held me captivated. Completely unsurprised that I read another MR book in less than a day.

This feels like a YA story but it has more depth, and there's still the classic Reilly breed of action. It's going to appeal to YA fans as well as MR fans, although the Scarecrow fans may chafe at the change of direction. But no matter the genre or themes, Reilly's books always hook me fast and don't let go until it's all over. That hasn't changed.

I'd definitely recommend MR fans get a copy, but this will also be a hit with YA fans who, like me, enjoy their Rich Kid Drama. There's a great story here with fun characters, and while some of it may be predictable, it's still highly enjoyable and delivered in such a way that you'll still encounter surprises along the way.

Many thanks to Pan Macmillan Australia for my uncorrected proof copy

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