Friday, 22 March 2019

Blogger Life (1)

So apparently if you want people to actually read your blog you have to put effort into it?

I mean, that sounds HARD.

But here I am anyway, writing an actual post instead of just clicking the 'post to blog' button on my latest Goodreads review.


What is it that book-loving blog readers like to read about? I need hints here people.

Shall I start with why I'm giving this blog-writing thing another crack?

Yes, I say 'another' and that's not a typo. I've tried in the past. I have. I'm not lazy, I swear. I'm just too busy reading. I'm a book lover, remember?

But I've decided to start making a little more effort because I'm one of those book lovers who is a wannabe writer. And of course part of being a writer is writing. Regularly.

I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS. I just completely suck at putting them on paper.

So here's to this blog getting my creative mojo flowing.

I'm hoping it'll be a fun learning experience, and that maybe I'll write stuff that people will actually want to read. If you're paying attention, you might even get that sneaky access to my rough drafts. Which may not seem that exciting now but, trust me, it's gonna make you feel super special when the polished versions are published and I become a household name. (So modest, I am so, so modest.)

So thanks for reading and feel free to leave your thoughts!


Question Time: (I've seen this on other blogs; it's clearly an important part.) Do you blog? And if so, why?

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