Title: Ready Player One
Author: Ernest Cline
Published: 16/8/11
First appearance in 101: 2016 (#100)
Years in 101: 4
2019 101 ranking: #71
Rating: 5 stars
Why I chose this book:
I'd heard plenty about it, and actually thought it had been released earlier than it was. I knew it referenced the 80s, but the dystopian element never really drew me in. However its place in the Top 101 for the past four years straight gave me the opportunity to add it to my list. I'm so glad it did!
Once again I owe gratitude to this challenge for discovering a fantastic read in a book I likely wouldn't have picked up. This ended up being a fun, addictive read that I couldn't put down! The 80s references are a lot of fun and made me nostalgic for my own childhood, but the story was clever enough to not rely just on gratuitous references to the past. It had some serious themes that I found highly relevant to today's society, meaning there was a solid foundation to all the action. I loved it from start to finish, and it scored a surprising 5 stars from me.
You can read my full review on Goodreads here.
Verdict: Was it worthy?
I'm surprised this took as long to make it into the Top 101 as it did, but I think as more people read it, it will climb higher on the list. It's a must-read for any 80s kid who grew up with video games, and speaks to geeks around the globe. It's also unique in that it's set in the future, focuses on the past but is incredibly relevant to the present. It was clever, fun and packed full of action and adventure. This definitely needs to find its way onto more bookshelves.
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