Saturday, 4 January 2020

Review: The Titan's Curse

The Titan's Curse The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

WARNING: This review contains spoilers for the first two books of the series.

I wasn't feeling this one as much as the first two, but I think it's mostly because Thalia does nothing for me. I mean, she was the big reveal at the end of SoM and then between books she's somehow become one of Percy's best friends? Then all she does is yell at him and act all gung-ho. I totally get why it annoyed my homie. The girl needs to chill.

Percy also maybe needs to chill. This time there seems to be more desire to be the hero, but at least he's not too obnoxious about it. And he's mostly trying to up Thalia so I was kinda on his side, anyway. He's still got a heart of gold under all that teenage-boy ego.

The blurb mentions two more half-bloods with unknown parentage showing up but the kids don't hugely feature, to be honest. Mostly I think they're here so we can wonder about their parentage (guessed that pretty early on) but otherwise we don't really get to know them a great deal. This is more about the quest to find a monster and work out who The General is and what the heck is going on in the world of titans and gods. (Spoiler - nothing good.) Also, Percy + Annabeth 4 Eva

I feel like the adventure wasn't as exciting for me this time, which is nuts because there are still plenty of monsters and chases and fights and whatnot. I think maybe I read it too slow. The pace is still fast and the action is pretty non-stop, so I don't see why anyone wouldn't enjoy it if they liked the first two. Clearly I'm just hard to please at the moment.

There are more gods and goddesses to meet, and a few new characters to get to know, and the cover has a black pegasus so that suggests some fun times right? At this stage you can really feel the bigger story progressing, so you know the heat is gonna be turned right up next book.

I am here for it.


Review for The Lightning Thief HERE
Review for The Sea of Monsters HERE

View all my reviews

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