Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Review: The Mazarinette and the Musketeer

The Mazarinette and the Musketeer The Mazarinette and the Musketeer by Heather Rose Jones
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Not bad for a freebie!

This was a cute lil story with strong musketeer vibes so I'm all for that. Throw in a d'Artagnan reference and I'm happy. :)

It's weird, though, because I love musketeer adventures, and I love feminism, but the blend here did throw me off a little. The feminism felt a little heavy handed. Buuuut I do have a strange loyalty to Dumas's musketeers. Julie is cute and all, but she's no d'Artagnan.


It's a fun little adventure, short and succinct, featuring women mostly dressed as men. I mean it was a bit weirdly coincidental for me that these women all had the same idea and also all enjoyed bisexuality but the historical notes suggest this stuff did actually happen. An these ladies actually existed. So that was interesting. The real Julie sounds like she lived a crazy life and I would definitely be down to read that story!

It flows easily and is a clear cut adventure with fun characters. It was a little too feminist for my tastes because it has three women talking about the unfair differences in treatment between the sexes, but it's a solid point so you can't really begrudge it. It just needed less preaching and more ass-kicking.

Definitely not in the ballpark of Dumas, but a fun story with fairly loyal vibes. A quick and enjoyable read. Thanks Andrea for the recommendation!

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