Monday, 4 February 2019

Review: Bird Box

Bird Box Bird Box by Josh Malerman
My rating: 3 of 5 stars


This is definitely more psychological thriller than horror, which left me a little disappointed. It was eerie and had some super creepy moments but it really lacked the substantial horror I was hoping for!

That being said, it does the psych stuff extremely well.

The entire novel essentially revolves around the subtle horror of being unable to open your eyes. How terrifying the world becomes when you can't see what you're up against, and you're forced to navigate a world completely blind to it. The monster could be right there, and you'd never know. How do you resist opening your eyes??!

Honestly, I wonder how blind people will feel about this book??

Malorie is a great protagonist. She has the ideal blend of bravery and fear to make her a perfectly believable heroine. Her predicament is fascinating, and the sporadic timeline shows us multiple facets of her character in different scenarios. The rest of the housemates are interesting but no one really stood out to me other than Tom and Don.

Let's get spoilery!

(view spoiler)

I dunno, I guess the whole thing was too human for my liking. Too ambiguous and vague, too much about how people react when you take away their sight. It was utterly captivating, but only because I was waiting for it to get hectic.

It's a unique story, and it will keep you hooked from start to finish, but it's definitely more thriller than horror. Less gore and mayhem, more subtle chills. I'd still highly recommend it, though, just because of how different it is.

I'm super curious about the film now, though. How do you produce a visual representation of a book that dwells on the fear of being without vision??!

View all my reviews

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