Friday, 15 February 2019

Review: Wings of Forgiveness: Working with the Angels to Release, Heal and Transform

Wings of Forgiveness: Working with the Angels to Release, Heal and Transform Wings of Forgiveness: Working with the Angels to Release, Heal and Transform by Kyle Gray
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The whole time I was reading this I was picturing the author as like a skinny, aging hippie with long, tangled grey hair, tattered hemp clothes and a prevalent smell of weed.

Imagine my surprise when I saw his contrasting pic in the back.

This book is choc-full of hippie vibes which I LOVE if I connect but LOATHE if I don't. I can be incredibly cynical for someone who actually does believe in spirits XD

The Jesus stuff in this was too much for me. I believe in spiritual stuff, but otherwise I need scientific grounding. I just don't believe that, if Jesus was a real person centuries ago, that he'd be floating around in spirit form today, encouraging people to love one another. Don't tell me this is a book about angels and then give me Jesus. You're gonna make my task of forgiveness a little harder.

So that was kinda disappointing.

But then I do actually like the overall message of letting forgiveness help you to let go and love others. Holding on to pain only hurts us, and as much as there are some jerks in my life that I can't imagine forgiving any time soon (I am a serious holder of grudges) I do love the idea that one day I'll figure out how to let that old pain go through forgiveness.

I also really enjoyed the part relating to the chakras - this is definitely something that resonates with me so I'm glad it was included.

The personal anecdotes kinda took away some credibility of the author for me, because his experiences were pretty full on. I'm not doubting his accounts, but I can tell you that if I saw someone in public acting the way this guy did in some circumstances, I'd probably think he wasn't playing with the full deck. Plus, again with the Jesus and the Mary and Magdalene and ... *sigh* At one point he talks about how God is not a religious word, it's just the universe and love etc etc. But then within the same segment says that God just wants you to feel loved and he's not going to punish you. "In his eyes, you are always forgiven." So ... is God the universe or does he have (non-judgy) eyes?? Tres confus

For a book about angels there was, tragically, a distinct lack of angels. But I did like what I read! And obviously forgiveness is pretty specific so naturally there's a bunch of celestial beings that were never likely to make an appearance.

Overall I enjoyed most of it, but the personal influences were a bit much for me. There was just a bit too much regarding religion and religious figures, but there's some great stuff on chakras and energy and ultimately about how forgiveness can help you free your soul.

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