Friday, 13 March 2020

Review: Obsidio

Obsidio Obsidio by Amie Kaufman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Well, that's that, then.


Honestly I wasn't expecting much from this series after reading book 1 but now I totally get it. The hype is real.

I need a minute here to process that whole sh*t storm light show though.

Good Things
✓ The collaboration of all of our heroes
✓ Realities of war
✓ The Duke
✓ Hanna kicking butt (again)
✓ Sh*t getting serious
✓ High emotional investment level

Bad Things
✘ Rhys seemed so mopey and whiny? Why do we like this guy?
✘ Death OH GOD WHYYYYYY (see point 2 of 'Good Things' list)
✘ Aidan is still a d*ck
✘ No aliens
✘ High emotional investment level

This is a war story, friends, and it ain't pretty.

The new heroes are Rhys and Asha and I just was not feeling them at all. Asha was great, but Rhys just seemed so sullen all the time and I just didn't get it? But thankfully this is the conclusion so we return to Kady, Ezra, Hanna and Nik a bit so I still got my cute couple quota filled.

There's no virus, and no aliens, but the evil and terror and danger is all still real and it's entirely human. Which makes it less fun and more heartbreaking.

I keep saying that Aidan is a d*ck, but you know what? So are humans.

The toll on my emotions was much greater, and while it wasn't as fun a romp as the last one, I appreciated that there was a lot of grey. This book makes it abundantly clear that no one really wins in a war. Everyone is fighting for what they believe. That damn near broke my heart.

It's definitely heavier which seems appropriate for a conclusion, and it's certainly epic. It brings together everything and finishes off the series spectacularly.

A brilliant, worthy end to a dynamic series.

View all my reviews

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