Tuesday 23 July 2024

Review: Echoes of Memory

Echoes of Memory Echoes of Memory by Sara Driscoll
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Narrated by Cynthia Farrell
Presented by RB Media

An interesting premise, but the story was a little too slow for my tastes.

A woman with a traumatic brain injury witnesses a murder, but her condition means she has to write everything down before she forgets what's happened. But once the memories fade, how does she tell what's real and what's not?

I really liked the idea of it, and Quinn was likeable enough as a protagonist. I appreciated the detective and that, for the most part, Quinn wasn't treated like a nutjob. There was a lot of respect given to her and her condition, and the inclusion of her TBI support group helped explain the condition in a compassionate way.

Aside from that, I never really became as invested in the story as I wanted to be. I found myself tuning out a lot and losing interest and therefore focus. There's a lot of attention on Quinn's injury and how she goes about everyday life with it, so it took away from the crime aspect a lot and really slowed the story down.

The narrator did a decent job bringing the characters to life, though some sounded similar enough that I was a little confused as to who was speaking. I also got genders mixed up a bit and lost track of some of the less distinctive characters.

I did enjoy it, but it wasn't particularly memorable. It was an easy enough listen with an interesting premise, but not quite thrilling enough to hook me.

With thanks to NetGalley for an audio ARC

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