Title: A Little Life
Author: Hanya Yanagihara
Published: 10/3/15
First appearance in 101: 2017 (#30)
Years in 101: 3
2019 101 ranking: #29
Rating: 3 stars
Why I chose this book:
This was one I bought a few years back, so this made the list when I was looking at 101s I already had on my shelf. Length is a pretty big factor in determining what I read, and this one was a daunting 720 pages. But I was intrigued by the plot outlined in the blurb.
Another train wreck. Why are readers so often impressed by tragic stories? This book took enough time building attachment that when the depravity struck hard it was too far to turn back. I hated reading it, but it still left a mark. This was a book of extreme emotions, with no real grey between, so it was a bit too unrealistic for my tastes.
You can read my full review on Goodreads here.
Verdict: Was it worthy?
You can read my full review on Goodreads here.
Verdict: Was it worthy?
I can see why so many people are impressed with it, but I really don't understand why readers are so enamoured with doom and gloom. It worked hard to portray its characters, so there's literary merit in that, but the story was a little too far-fetched for my tastes. The writing itself, however, was clever and well structured. I'll concede defeat to this one.
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