Sunday, 8 September 2019

Review: The Thousand and One Ghosts

The Thousand and One Ghosts The Thousand and One Ghosts by Alexandre Dumas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The last story was the best story!

Also I love that it all begins with a headless corpse.

The flow isn't quite there but the stories are cool! All a little bit random and slightly spooky but told in that classic way that makes me love Dumas so much.

Basically Alexandre Dumas writes himself into this one as a fellow at a dinner party who listens to a few ghost stories, recounted after they all witness a man who murdered his wife going a bit mad because he claims her headless corpse spoke to him.

I mean if that doesn't sound like a fun way to start a story what is?

So everyone takes their turn (except Dumas himself) to tell the tale of similar spooky occurrences that happened to a friend-of-a-friend or similar. Because of the writing style, I was never really creeped out by the stories themselves, but they do cover interesting horror themes like re-animated corpses and curses and voices from the dead.

It was probably a bit too short for my liking and I do wonder if maybe its been abridged? I wanted so much more of this story and its themes. I mean the title is kind of misleading because instead of one thousand and one there's like ... five. Disappointing.

Otherwise I can say nothing bad about another book from my beloved favourite author.

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