Thursday 1 August 2024

Review: Houses of the Unholy

Houses of the Unholy Houses of the Unholy by Ed Brubaker
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was decent and the art was PERFECT but I just wanted MORE.

In the Satanic Panic era, a woman goes on the run with an FBI agent, but her past is catching up fast.

The story is short - too short. There's so much in this that I wanted to explore further and in more detail but there just wasn't time. This was fast-paced and chose action over exposition. Not a bad thing, as it keeps things interesting and dynamic, but I loved the story of it so much and I wanted to really lose myself in it.

This era of history fascinates me, so it was cool to get a story set amongst it all. The protagonist is a badass but she's not without her issues. I liked the team up of her and the cop, too - they worked well together. Some of the other characters were easy to loathe, but they also raised some interesting points amongst their villainy, so it was beautifully muddied waters. Plenty to think about, and a hint as to why the Satanic Panic took off like it did.

The artwork is just incredible - such a great use of colour, in particular, which is something I really like from this duo. The art always complements the story well, and that was no different here.

Another hit from Brubaker and Phillips - I'll definitely be sussing the hardcover in person when it releases!

With thanks to NetGalley for a digital ARC

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