Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Review: Silver Bay

Silver Bay Silver Bay by Jojo Moyes
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

By the time I finished it it had become moderately entertaining but overall it was a little tedious and far from Jojo Moyes' best work. It was fairly predictable, so another book that's more about the journey than the 'shock twists' you see coming a mile away. But despite the simplicity of the story, it took a long time, wandering a lot of side paths on the way but never properly exploring them. I was thankful it didn't pull out too many Aussie stereotypes but a tiny coastal town is just not an entertaining setting for me. The characters have to make up for it and while these were well painted I didn't find myself particularly attached to any of them. The main romance was cliche from start to finish so held little interest for me and its 'save the wildlife' message was a bit too heavy-handed. It was written simply enough so as mentioned I did eventually find myself entertained but overall it was a bit of a disappointment.

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