Saturday 25 May 2024

Review: Running Close to the Wind

Running Close to the Wind Running Close to the Wind by Alexandra Rowland
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Narrated by Casey Jones
Presented by RB Media

I honestly have absolutely no idea what happened in this book amongst all the d*ck jokes and sexual innuendo. Something to do with pirates which could have actually been cool but definitely wasn't.

Complete trash.

Unless you're into d*ck jokes, I guess.

I lost hope for this almost immediately, and if it hadn't been a NetGalley read I'd have DNF'd it on the spot.

The barrage of sex jokes is so off-putting that I found myself constantly rolling my eyes and tuning out. There are characters here that deserved better than what they were given, and I found it so disappointing.

Nothing really seemed to happen - there's a serpent at one stage and a ridiculous baking competition (??!) but not really much else beyond a bunch of boys wanting to f*ck each other etc. It got real old, real fast.

Honestly, I just ended up tuning so much of it out. I was actually listening at 3x speed at one stage just to try and get through it.

The only reason this gets a second star from me is for the narration, which was absolutely spectacular. Honestly, if you are into sassy boys who make a LOT of d*ck jokes then you should actually enjoy this immensely and I highly recommend the audio because the delivery was brilliant.

Story, though? Forget it.

With thanks to NetGalley for an audio ARC

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