Thursday 30 May 2024

Review: City of Books

City of Books City of Books by Nicole Meier
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Narrated by: Cindy Kay
Presented by: Dreamscape Media

A disappointingly mediocre story, I'm afraid.

A misleading title, City of Books is set in a bookstore that is threatened by the decline in health of its owner. Jo, manager of the store, holes up with the employees in an effort to prevent the family from closing it down.

I found the whole thing to be a bit of a yawn fest, to be honest. As much as I love books, and books about books, there was just not a lot of story here.

Jo and the employees go about boxing up product, filling online orders, and dealing with the publicity their rebellion has stirred up. There's not really much drama or excitement, nor much to get invested in beyond the possible closure of a fictional bookstore.

Even the implied romance was bland, with nothing of note happening until the story is wrapping up.

The narrator was okay, but there were a lot of pauses and I was able to listen at 2.5x speed without much trouble.

Overall, just not a lot in this one to get excited about.

With thanks to NetGalley for an audio ARC

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