Sunday, 28 July 2019

Challenge Review: Assassin's Apprentice

My #dymocks52challenge book 14/38, for week 28.

Title: Assassin's Apprentice
Series: Farseer Trilogy #1
Author: Robin Hobb
Published: 1/4/95
First appearance in 101: 2015 (#94)
Years in 101: 5
2019 101 ranking: #75
Rating: 2 stars

Why I chose this book:
This one has been sitting on my shelf since Feb 2015 and I just never got around to it until this challenge. But since it's made the list the last five years straight, it had to be read. I do enjoy fantasy, particularly the darker stuff involving assassins and thieves, so I was looking forward to finally getting around to this one.

Another disappointment, with the best action coming too late for me to consider it a salvageable read. I didn't give up completely, which is something, but it was just a little too bland for my tastes. Perhaps when it was first released it was unique and interesting, but it fell flat for me.

You can read my full review on Goodreads here.

Verdict: Was it worthy?
The reading public seems divided on this one. There are people like me who found it dreadfully dull and far too slow, but there are others who loved it for the character development and the coming-of-age angle. I believe there is worthier fantasy out there, and since this one tends to hover beyond the #50 mark each year, I daresay it will be ousted by newer, more dynamic fantasy eventually.

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